The Big Felafel

The unspoken fear – unemployment

yk.pngI was reading Life in Israel’s review of blogs during the “Bush week”, I discovered a new blog, wayeshevyaaqov. It’s been a while since I’ve had the attention span to read an entire post – especially when it’s a long one. But I had no trouble getting through Ya’aqov Ben-Yehuda‘s brutally honest account of being unemployed in Israel. Despite his despair about finding a new job, he decided to share valuable advice with others on what employment sites to look at, especially if you’re an English teacher (drushim, jobcentral, English Teaching Network, etc.). Ya’aqov, if you’re reading this, I put together a list of employment sites – maybe it will help you. (Just so you know, I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but I don’t have a blogger account so it wouldn’t let me.)

Ya’aqov also pointed out what seems like an unbelievably helpful website – a free faxing service within Israel. I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks awesome. As we know too well, Israel is forever stuck in the 80’s and believes that faxes are the wave of the future. Thank you, Ya’aqov, for your great tips, good luck finding a job, and I’ll pass your resume around to whoever I can.

How to find a job in Israel – helpful websites

Updated Feb 9, 2015

Here’s a list of helpful employment websites for job seekers:

  1. Israemploy: (English) Daily updates. 36 NIS per month.
  2. Janglo (English)
  3. Nefesh B’Nefesh Linkedin Job Board (English)
  4. Gvahim Linkedin Job Board (English)
  5. Digital Eve Israel (English) Yahoo Group for professional women, though open to men and women.
  6. Nefesh B’Nefesh’s list of a gazillion employment resources!!
  7. Alljobs (Hebrew)
  8. Shatil (non profit) (Hebrew)
  9. Muvtal (Hebrew)
  10. Drushim (Hebrew)
  11. Manpower (Hebrew)

Networking events in Jerusalem:

Newsletters & Events for job seekers:

  • Janglo Newsletter: Janglo’s weekly newsletter is amazing! Packed full of useful tidbits, they often feature networking events, conferences, and job-related news.
  • Nefesh B’Nefesh Events: Nefesh B’Nefesh regularly runs interview workshops and employment consulting in different cities across the country.
  • AACI Newsletter: AACI often offers navigational series lectures that cover finding a job in Israel and career advice. They also have a weekly professional women’s networking forum.
  • Gvahim Events: Gvahim connects international talents into the Israeli economy and society. Their programs leverage highly-skilled immigrants, mentors & recruiters from Israel’s top companies and major actors in the startup world. This enables Olim to succeed professionally in Israel and contribute to the Israeli ‘Brain Gain’.


  • Tzeirim BaMerkaz (Young Adults in Jerusalem): offers an internship program for Jerusalemites who have completed at least a BA. For more info, contact Roni at or call 02-623-2224.
  • Big list of Israel internships 2015